Random thoughts on online privacy

I have been searching for a few phones on the internet for last 2 days and now, every site i visit has an advertisement for one of the phones I was looking for.


It was badminton rackets till a few days ago. I broke mine and was googling for some replacement and the ads were all rackets for a week.

It makes me wonder, how should i see this? What exactly is google saying?

  1. Looks like you were looking for phones, would you like to buy this?
  2. Looks like you were looking for phones, would you like to buy this?
  3. Looks like you were looking for phones, There is an offer here?
  4. Looks like you were looking for phones, There is an offer here?
  5. I know you were looking for phones

The ads seems to be a little biased to me. Out of the 3 phones i looked for, ads for only one of the phones are showing up. May be that is the one available on Amazon? 🤷‍

Should i see this as a system who is prying on me or as something which shows the ads which are relevent to me? Is this something that reminds me there is an offer on something i was looking for?