Learnings from working on a Wind + Solar hybrid power plant

I got the opportunity to work on an experimental wind + solar hybrid power project. It presents me with new learinings every day.


Solar panels in India will be facing south. The angle of inclination varries from season to season.

Why? Because we are on the northern hemisphere.


Solar modules are arranged into tables. Table can hold a single panel for a small application or multiple pannels (upto 30 maybe) for a large application. Multiple tables are connected to a single circuit (called SMB). The frame holding the table is called a Module Mounting Structure (MMS) consisting of a column, rafter, braces (which helps in changing the inclination of the table), and purlin.


Columns are fixed to the ground using concrete. Columns being fixed

Jigs are used to keep the columns in position before concreting. Jigs

Foot of the Column is finished with a 300 mm dia PCC up to ground level + 100mm for corrosion protection. MMSFoot


The tables are idealy kept horizontal (in east west direction) so that maximum sunlight falls on the table at all times. But sometimes the tables have to follow the contour of the natural ground, for example in cases where the tables are installed on a hill side or a heavily slopping ground. In these cases a maximum of 5 degree inclination (in east west direction) is allowed for tables. The inclination is controlled by varying the embeded length of the MMS stub (upto 200 mm tolerance is available).


Table installed at 5 degree angle MMSTable1 MMSTable2


Table inclination (North - South direction) changes with seasons. The typical inclinations for different months is as follows:

Month Inclination
March 5 degrees
April - September 15 degrees
October - February 25 degrees

The values are for my current project. It varies from location to location

Table installed at 25 degree angle MMSTable3

Tables at a solar farm before installing solar modules MMSTables


Solar modules installed


Module closeup


Module details


The power generated by a solar farm depends on variety of factors like total solar irradiance in the area throughout the year, clouds, time of the day, temperature, shadow, presence of other structures etc